like i said in previous post, i want to write bout convo ryte?
eh, apsal tbe2 speaking-meaking niyh?
hoho, ok ar..aku tak nak la cam skema sgt tulis blog niyh..nnti cam bosan lak korg nak bace..
(eh2, apasal aku cam prasan je ade org nak bce blog niyh..hahaha)
btw, aku nak mule bercerita nih.
oh ya, tarikh penting is 25/4/09.
tpi all ex-semashurian shud daftar on 24/4/09 which was after school hour;
i think sbb supaya ktorg tak amek perhatian student2 semashur yg akan sebuk tgk tingkap each time ade kete masuk compound semashur..eventhough cikgu tgh mengajar kat depan.
plus, klu xde cikgu kat kelas pun, junior2 yg begitu menyayangi
ex-senior mereka ni akan berlari-lari anak nak gi salam, peluk cium..
(aku tak ckp aku) haha!
perjalanan aku.
from sabak brnam, aku naik bus ngan athiah smpila kat puduraya.
oh tidak, aku BENCI puduraya! why?
coz ade promoter amende ntah telah membuatkan duit aku rm40 (big amount for jobless person)..arghh!
then ktorg singgah kl sentral jap. lepak2. then, tros gi SEMASHUR, sayang kamu muahx2!
oh ya, thanx to bella bobs' parents for the transport (ktm btg kali-SEMASHUR)
oh (again), dat nite supposed to be havoc! tpi tbe2 perut aku g wat masalah.
sakit tak pasal2.
so i slept earlier dat nite, pas blik rehearsel. lepak2 jap. then tros tido.
the DAY! bgun2 je aku menggelbah coz bju x GOSOK lgi!!
dat morning, sumer org look GORGEOUS!
sume mke lah, mana taknye..
dialog pagi itu:
org 1: weh spe ade foundation? compact powder?
org 2: a'ahla..spe ade ek? lipstick? celak?
org 3: korg jgn risau..aku ade..
org 4: (tbe2) weh aku nak gak!
pgi itu kami mkn nasi lemak. fav food kat skola tuhhh. mkn2. pki jubah. photoshoot jap. beratur. ceremony started. aku nek pentas which was student pling last utk f5 yg nek pentas. ceremony ended. another photoshoot. mkn kat dm. blik. ( mls nak cter detail, haha)
special thanks:)
to ayah and ibu; thanks for coming and the teddy bear:D
to jihah jainis; thnks for the HELLO KITTY:)
to cikgu2; thanks for everything:]
to kwn2; thanks for making my life merrier:p
dh jmpe kwn2 pun aku rse masih x cukup lagi. nak jmpe lagi!
gmbar2 muke berseri

ReplyDeleteltk la pic sendri yg berseri-seri with the teddy...hihi
btw, im gonna miss that moment too~ its like the last moment we all could gather together.... :(
naper muker aku giler close up! haha! :) tx to bella boo too~~
ReplyDeletewahwah ^-^!~
ReplyDeletegahaha bella tu celeb mne tu no.2 tue?
agagaga muah muah bella! :D
nik; my pic? hehe..malu la:p
ReplyDeletebelladayah; no probs dayah:)
ili; nk autograf..haha..