Friday, August 19, 2011

and, how does solat influence us?



So, as you can see the headline is about solat (prayer) and how does it influence us. As a Muslim, we all know the obligation of performing solat right? It is clearly stated in Rukun Islam, at the second point, which is right after "mengucapkan kalimah syahadah". Well, I'm not really an expert, but what I can conclude and understand from the Quran; the obligation of performing prayer is A BIG DEAL. it's not a funny business. As what i understand, it's like "setelah kita beriman kepada Allah tu, yang keduanya adalah solat". Means, prayer is the most important thing after we witness the "Keesaan Allah swt",

The question is, why do we have to perform prayer? Hurmm, let me present the direct answer, not created by me but it was told by Allah in His verses in Al-Quran. it is stated that;

"Dirikanlah sembahyang, sesungguhnya sembahyang itu mencegah dari perbuatan2 keji dan munkar. dan sesungguhnya mengingat allah (solat) adalah lebih besar keutamaanya dari ibadah2 yang lain."
(surah al-ankabut: 45)

I really like to highlight the part 'sembahyang itu mencegah dari perbuatan2 keji dan mungkar'. If everyone is concerned enough to notice what's happening around us, around the world which shocking news are everywhere. Murdereres, burglars, bad rulers, and many others. We can see that people are going mad; im not saying everyone ( if everyone, of course i'm counted) . But, worlds are going upside down with all the riots here and there. But, seeing bad things happening in Muslim countries, the big question popped out; prayers prevent us from bad doings, kan? errr..why orang yang perform solat tu still je buat jahat? For simple example, selipar stolen at mosque? Bukan ke orang-orang pergi surau nak solat? After solat tu, pergi mencuri pulak? Haaaihh!

So, where is the mistake? Nak kata tak solat, nampak je dia takbir, rukuk, sujud and all that. But, he/she acts like orang tak solat. I remember my Ustaz's answer for this kind of popular question when we were in school.

"kalau dah solat tu pun niatnya bukan kerana Allah..camne tuh? Niat to get people admiration. Performing prayers so that people will say "baiklah dia ni".
Or to prevent Mom being angry. Bunyi je enjin kereta Mak, terus lari ambil wudhu'. Solat ekspress!

If like that lah our niat, hurmmm macamane nak mencegah kemungkaran, kan? Jadinya, let's solat properly.

Salah seorang Sahabat datang kepada Rasulullah SAW dan berkata: "Wahai Rasulullah! Tolong beri 
saya nasihat yang padat tapi dapat mencapai intipati matlamat! "  Rasulullah menjawab: "Bila kamu 
solat, solatlah seolah-olah kamu akan meninggalkan dunia ini dan ianya solat terakhir bagimu! Jangan 
berkata apa-apa yang boleh menyebabkan kamu terpaksa minta maaf! Jangan berkehendakkan apa-apa 
hak kepunyaan orang lain! "

(Ibn Majah, Zuhd, 15; Ahmad bin Hambal, Musnad, V, 419) 

p/s: a reminder for all of us, especially me.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

saya anti kamu


First of all, this post is not addressed to any human. It's Ramadhan right? no hatred feeling please. :)
but it is about a little creature. well, usually i love little things like little fingers of babies, barbie's tea cups plus the garments, sweets and lollipops etc. because of their cuteness of being little. But this one, i'm sorry I couldn't give any part of my love towards it.

Well, I first met this creature in the Tom and Jerry Show. As everyone noticed, Jerry, the little creature always won in any fight with Tom, the cat. Tom is a bully, yeah I know...but Jerry is a BIG bully. *tak padan badan kecik, heh!* And, usually it was Jerry that messed with Tom first. Poor Tommm, bad Jerry!

Lucky that this little creature appeared on Mickey M**** show in a better personality. I didn't really follow this show, but this little creature played the 'good-guy' role, if I'm not mistaken. Hurmm. no comment.

Then, it was in the year 1999 or 2000 when I first met this little creature, face-to-face. I was jumping on the bed with my sister when suddenly we saw it crawling behind the closed door. And, we were screaming like crazies. Yup, like crazies. Then....I forgot what happened next.

Next, after a few years after the incident, which was in 2008 (when I was in Form 5). My dorm was at the ground floor, with my locker stood at the edge of the dorm, right next to the window. It was always filled with food at the bottom part of the locker. However, the doors of the locker couldn't be closed properly, leaving a   small passage for this little creature. And, yeah, this little creature became a regular visitor to my locker. I still remember how mean it was when it bite all boxes of my Dutch lady milk. And the next day it bite my dates. It was in Ramadhan. Im sure it is. Not only that, it bite my baju kurung, and the worse part is, I only realized the torn part while in class (prep malam) when I was wearing that baju kurung. See? Dia sangat jahat, okay!

The story of this little creature didn't stop there. In early 2010, it attacked my room in my college. It bite my bed sheet, my begs, my clothes, etc. I threw quite a number of my clothes as most of them got holes! Not only that, it peed and pooped on my bed, in my closet..see? how cruel it is!

And a few weeks ago, it attacked my kitchen in my home in Jogja. It gave holes to the plastics of the flour, scattering all the spices inside the cupboard and caused us such a great loss. Most of those spices were imported from Malaysia and they were limited. Again, it pooped. But, alhamdulillah it was busted.

A few days ago it attempted to attack again. I saw it twice, running into the kitchen. But last night, Baby saw it crawled into the kitchen again. Thanks to Baby that she set up the trap. Before midnight, it was caught and for sure, it will be sentenced to death.

And that is how "Saya Anti Kamu, Encik Tikus!"